Gaussian Curvature
A Mathematics Initiative by a group of Mathematics Enthusiast Students and Teachers
GIMO registration
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Introduction To
Gaussian Curvature
It is a mathematics organization managed by some mathematics enthusiast members
which provides contests from time to time. These include olympiads such as USAMO, AIME, AMC and other regional and national contests all free of cost.
We also provide quality mathematics handouts and give solutions to some unsolved books..
What is Gaussian Curvature(GC)
We are a group of Mathematical Olympiad students who admire Mathematics to a great extent. We wish to spread the joy of solving and recognising the non-routine level of mathematics and encourage all math lovers who are yet to discover or already discovered it to do so too. We also help sections of society that try to learn mathematics who have a great thirst for knowledge for mathematics and education but cannot due to formidable reasons.
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Key Features in Brief
GC will provide free mathematical Olympiad contests for preparation of regional, nation or international level contests such as IMO(International Mathematical Olympiad) , USAMO(United States of America Mathematical Olympiad) , AIME (American Invitational Mathematics Examination) AMC(American Mathematics Competitions ) , Sharygins and several other type of mathematical Olympiads on various topics such as Inequalities , Functional Equation , Geometry , Number Theory etcetra.
GC will provide free mathematical high quality handouts on various important olympiad chapters such as on Inequalities , Functional Equation , Geometry , Number Theory , complex number etcetra or on some specific important topics or techniques which are quite useful while solving.
GC will provide solutions to some highly useful unsolved olympiad books which are not solved or don't have solution with it . We will try to solve out those problems and create out a solution handout out of there and provide it to you.
After some range of time when we will be totally established we will provide free classes in various topics of non-routine mathematics and camps in future.
Can we join
Gaussian Curvature
Yes you can surely join but there needs to be some qualification round for joining so , there are different fields for joining which we will say later. Gor now AMC/AIME Team Applications are open , PM me (Aritra12) on AoPS if you want to Join.
Mission statement
We make high difficuly and quality contests, articles, handouts for the preparation of various olympiads on Mathematics such as USAMO, IMO, Sharygins, AIME, AMC etcetera we have taken some contest recently the GCIME an AIME Mock and previously MMO independently. I(Aritra12) was also involved in IFEO, MMO and some other olympiad mocks.Join with us at our Discord Server
Digital Handouts
Fabulous digital handouts on various type of topics in Mathematics can be found written by our members helpful for AMC, AIME, USAMO, IMO, Sharygin etc.
About Us & contests
Check the home page itself, we also take contests, check here here for contests for now there are no ongoing contests.
Our Team
Meet Our team!
Want to join us
If you want to join us and help you may check here.
Solved section of handouts and books
To preview the solved sections check here. None Yet